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Ted Kalbfleisch, PhD explains the process of identifying the genetic signature of Texas Longhorn with single nucleotide variants technology.
DNA Inheritance Lesson
Holistic Grazing Management Lesson
Phil Sponenberg, DVM, PhD
Presentation on Conservation Breeding Selection for Texas Longhorn Cattle
recorded Feb. 22, 2014
Presentation on Conservation Breeding Selection for Texas Longhorn Cattle
recorded Feb. 22, 2014
Texas Longhorn Lore
Cowboy Corner with Red Steagall
Recordings of interviews with
Enrique E. Guerra,
Lawrence Wallace
and Fayette Yates
Enrique Guerra tract 1:
Fayette Yates tract 1:
Weldon Wilson, third-generation cattle rancher, moves his herd of longhorns across 16 miles of land--the old fashioned way.
Longhorn herd round-up
Russell "Red" Steagall is an American actor, musician, poet, and stage performer, who focuses on American Western and country music genres. In this 26-minute video, he delivers an excellent history lesson about the origin of Texas Longhorn cattle in this country. Historian, cowboy chef, and rancher, Cliff Tienert expounds on traits of the cattle and John T. Baker discusses the qualities of Texas Longhorn beef. Please understand the advertising within this video funds it production.
Enrique Guerra History of Texas and Texas Longhorn cattle;
from Briscoe Western Art Museum
from Briscoe Western Art Museum
Collection of photos of Enrique E. Guerra gathering cattle in Mexico in the 1950's drought. Charlie Schreiner, III accompanied Mr. Guerra in bringing back the remnants of Criollo cattle roaming the desert mountains. Claud A. "Heck" Schrader consulted about phenotypes. Descendants of these animals went to the Wichita Mountains Wildlife Refuge.
Mr. Guerra is recognized bynthe National Cowboy & Western Heritage Musum
Enrique E. Guerra's Presentation on the
History of Texas Longhorn Cattle 1867-Present
recorded Feb. 22, 2014
This video includes many photos from Mr. Guerra's personal collection of cattle gathered in Mexico in the 1950's and many of the early Wichita Mountains Wildlife Refuge cattle.
History of Texas Longhorn Cattle 1867-Present
recorded Feb. 22, 2014
This video includes many photos from Mr. Guerra's personal collection of cattle gathered in Mexico in the 1950's and many of the early Wichita Mountains Wildlife Refuge cattle.
Maudeen Marks speaks of Marks family history and dipping cattle
Maudeen Marks discusses cattle brands
Gil Dean talks with NPR reporter Matt Largey about his conservation Texas Longhorn cattle in a radio interview from 2008.
Archival Videos
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Maudeen Marks's LH7 Ranch 1993
Emil Marks with cattle 1961
Saltgrass Trailride 1956
Start of the Saltgrass Trailride 1958
Marks family rodeo 1940's
1932 Archival Footage of Mexican Horned cattle crossing the boarder into Texas at Eagle Pass. Corraled and run through dipping vats to stop the spread of tick fever to European stock in the state.
1897 Texas cattle